Bfp after af. Moody, realy bloated.

Bfp after af It's not heavy as my usual AF. And this morning i tested (13 dpo) and it was BFN. Here are some information if BFP after 20 DPO is it possible? AF = Aunt Flo (period) hCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone). Basically just waiting for af to show at this point! So aggravating!! Sign Up. I had possible implantation bleeding 10DPO and a BFP 11DPO I'm in the same boat. sk8eratmiami. I KNOW! The frustration is so real. Since AF hasn’t shown up for me yet, I feel like I’m not out of the game yet and I had 3 days of red spotting which I always got before AF so assumed I was out, but it then disappeared rather than turning into proper AF which is why I then tested a few days later. Also, with my son at 6 weeks my HCG was only in the 3,000 which they thought was really low. I was a week late getting af and a week of getting bfn's. I’ve been testing like crazy this week since I had what I think was implantation blood last Monday & Tuesday. I was cramping, just felt BLAH. So maybe af shows her ugly face tomorrow I'm going to buy a hpt tomorrow and test. I did get spotting, but that was it for about a day. I keep getting BFNs and symptom spotting. Now I am really bloated, emotional, headachey and have left-sided twinges (which feel like I'm ovulating) and very mild AF-like cramping. I got my period on the 4th+5th (usually only 2 days since coming on Having finished what seemed like a normal AF, So, after AF was late you tested BFP? S_A_G. very wet cm. 26th. Getting Pregnant. The nausea was not a normal symptom of PMS for me so I That is so frustrating Dutchiekins!! I would just stay as relaxed as possible and keep testing maybe every other day if no AF?? fx for you!!!! I'm shaking right now because I just got my BFP!!! I can't freaking believe it. So officially discouraged! Two days late for AF and I have very regular cycles. Cramps seem to be easing up after 4 days of them. My AF is normally very heavy and starts bright red normally. I want to see Oh, and the cramps- they were just like any other month. I'm not holding hope if I've not even a faint line at this stage. Did anyone get a BFP this late on, after BFNs? Cd29 - Still no AF. I got mine (shocking dark) 5 days before AF was due, and so assuming I ovulate 14 days before AF then 9 days DPO, although I never tracked ovulation. There's still hope. 14dpo now and AF due today, going to chance my luck on a digi later. Try not to compare your own signs and symptoms with those other women have experienced. I've not had irregular If you get a bfp after your AF was due, it most likely means you ovulated late as luteal phases are consistent. First AF was due yesterday. I'm starting to lose hope How many of you received a bfp AFTER testing negative at 12 dpo with FMU? I usually have a 26-28 day cycle, and my Natural Cycles app says I was due for AF I'm 11 DPO and got a huge temp drop this morning! I know that typically that is a sign of AF knocking at my door, Anyone get a BFP after HUGE Temp Dip? 0. So you aren't out til the witch shows. When should I test if this temp stays up? With my mc 2 years ago I got my bfp 3 days after af was due (simply because I was in denial and waited that long to test). I was so confused and anxious when I got BFNs and no AF up to CD 41. Fingers crossed for you. I’m trying to do some research on all the things that need to align perfectly after ovulation still to result in a BFP and man, it just seems like a lot I’m shocked that anyone gets pregnant. I got my BFP they day after AF was supposed to arrive. Hi just wondering if anyone got BFP despite getting BFN on day AA+F due? I was due yesterday and still no sign of AF. Going to wait until Friday to test again if AF is a Hi I had half a day AF in October but it turned out to be BFN and gone on to have normal AFs. I took another test 6 days later in the morning and got another light BFP. Can you get a BFP after a period? No. I tested with a generic drug store test the day I expected my period (on a 30 day cycle) BFN, waited four days for AF to show up, tested again and got my BFP. It was the only time I've ever been late without any AF symptoms. Pregnancy. I am never normally late, but I know it happens sometimes, for no obvious reason. I got a bfp 2 days after AF was due. I tested the day my AF was due at 9DPO and got a bfn. AF made her appearance abruptly after that test so I was sure it was another CP. Yes, about 30 days after AF. My periods were like clockwork and there was no sign. HPT at 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 DPO all BFN AF starts (so i think) at 15DPO, which was Hoping to keep away AF and see a BFP? With the many acronyms on TTC (trying to conceive) message boards, it can seem like a whole new world. I’ve been cramping all week with occasional sore breasts and tiredness. Fingers xed . CharCharxxx Well-Known Member. Hopefully, this will help you to understand what other women are discussing in forums or on social media. I imagine it happens more often for those of us with I was exhausted the week before AF was due. FC and BFP After Period??? once again—same for me—I never used to spot and last 2 months I’ve started 2 or 3 days before AF. In terms of a normal cycle, I got bfn on 10dpo but bfp on 11dpo on my second baby I think it was. Aug 29, 2013 #7 Congratulations!! X x . (But that doesn't mean I don't occasionally get wrapped up in thinking about it a lot. i started getting bad AF like cramps last night, and i still have them today. But I want to know if anyone has experienced something like this and ended up with a BFP. I know that I'll get my bfp, it's just a matter of time. I ended up going to the Dr after my ovulation sticks were so dark and taking a hcg strip and showing positive. Thought it my af. And i always get AF in 4-5 days. BFP 1 week after period. Finally got my bfp this morning couldnt believe it! Still in shock but ready for baby #2. M. Hi,I know this post is quite old,but couldn't resist jumping in. I still had 10 minutes of pretty intense, way down low cramps yesterday at almost 6 weeks. Curious if anyone has gotten a BFP days after the usually 14DPO mark. an early bfp and quick doubling hcg is Hi OP it's very common - in fact mine were so bad I kept convincing my DP I didn't have a BFP after all because AF was surely do to show any second I also have a little brown spotting at 5-6 weeks which was very light and just lasted a few days. It turns out that I had an O fake-out and ended up getting a BFP on CD 43. With both pregnancies I implanted at 11 dpo and got BFP at 13 dpo. With dd2 I also had a pretty heavy red bleed when my period was due. A bit of creamy / sticky discharge with a yellow tint. Remember – your period only occurs when an egg is not fertilized, meaning you are not pregnant and would not test positive for I’ve read up on a lot of others experiences so I know long implantation bleeding/late bfp’s can happen. 0. However, 3 days after, the Friday just gone I was getting AF like cramps andin the afternoon when I went for a wee, there was quite alot of very brown blood on my panty liner. Last month was odd in that it was 30, but I think it was because I started counting calories last month. DH wanted to BD the day before AF was due and I turned him down because I just knew she was coming any minute. Obviously I have to wait another couple days. She also used a FRER. Never in my life have i had a 26 day cycle. Going to retest Wednesday if AF is still a no show. ? what is going on? it was quite light (but red and sometimes would say it was medium flow) and my temp stayed high which i found strange so took a test Monday evening at 12dpo Sadly it could be an irregular period. Fertility This is my first cycle after a MMC. I was sure they were AF cramps, but they lasted for a long time. My BFP tends to be darker in the afternoon. I could feel it. I saw some very light pinkish/brownish spotting this afternoon and I'm far enough away from AF that it couldn't possibly be my period. I took two tests and both are bfn. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It’s usually after I eat or waking up. Bump4Me2013 TTC #1 for eons now!!! Joined Aug 28, 2013 Messages 138 Reaction score 0. My temperatures stayed elevated My period was normal, very much moderate/heavy AF bleeding and not spotting, lasted about 5 days. I had what I thought was an early AF (5 days early) but was way off from my normal and was over after almost 3 days. at least until AT arrives xx. I have written a few posts about pregnancy symptoms I have been having which arrived 2 weeks after I miscarried. and Im scared to test again because I HATE the feeling of seeing that BFN. Finally got bfp after 21 dpo. I'm seeing too much red on this thread. I thought it was weird since everyone else felt fine basically because of this strange feeling - I woke up at 3am to pee and decided to take a test. BFP on CD12 *after* AF. Can't poo lol. Good luck[/quote] So sorry for your MMC. I suspect it is because i am so obsessed about getting preggers that i am dealying AF coming! have been using tests from work (i am a practice nurse) they are cheapos really and say not to test until day AF due. Didnt see anything so went out and enjoyed a few drinks. I felt a bit crampy last night too. How common is it to get a bfp after testing daily and getting bfn throughout 12 dpo? I have heard a few stories but how common is it really? I've never been an early tester, and I've never been one to track everything so I'm not sure if I would have tested positive before AF or not. Add your thoughts and get I have had two CP's and a mmc - I got early bfps with all of them before AF was due (4 days early with my mc). I also know that, although uncommon, clots with implantation bleeding can happen. I BFP after bleeding/“period” So some background info- I had a MMC 1/31, had a 32 day cycle with AF on 3/5-3/9. AF made her appearance abruptly after that test so I Mainly, I went to dinner with some friends and about 30 mins after eating started to feel nauseous and throw up a bit, not a lot though. It can happen! It didn't happen with my other pregnancies - got bfp pretty much straight away with those - so thought I was What are the odds of a BFP after a BFN at 13 dpo? My LTs are usually 11 days and I don’t see any sign of temps decreasing for AF Triphasic Archived post. Did anyone ever have spotting like AF was coming and then end up with a BFP? UPDATE: It was stupid AF 4 days early. A week later I still hadn't gotten AF so I went to the doctor (I did not I took another test 6 days later in the morning and got another light BFP. I’ve been having AF like cramps since 1/11 but no AF. Basically just waiting for af to show at this point! So aggravating!! Anyone ever get a bfp after 18 dpo? I know its not likely. No show so far stay away bitc* ! Bad Head ache, weird pain/ tingly feeling in my right leg. My best friend convinced me to test when I got home and sure enough a huge, dark BFP. On August 22nd I got what I thought was af BFP after 5 days of bleeding. I am also not crampy today, and typically I get very bad cramps for a couple days before af. I know I need to wait until AF shows or not but hoping to here of people who didn't get a BFP until two to three days after AF didn't arrive. on Monday! Personally, I wouldn't really consider getting a BFP right around 14dpo "late". s it and didn't test again til AF was 2 days late. Af was supposed to start today and so far, no sign of her. It continued to be there when I wiped throughout the evening and slowly faded into light pink blood and then completely stopped. Funny shooting pain right up my Vajayjay lol Still can't poo Anyone get a bfp after 12dpo? I had light pale pink/beige spotting on 10 and 11dpo only while wiping then today at 12dpo I had rust brown only when wiping. As of this morning it’s still a BFN. I've never got a BFP before AF was due. NewMommyOnTheWay member. 🤞 you all get your bfps! AF showed up this month giving me an 8 day luteal phase and I was crushed. and i don't have one. As my luteal phase is <10 days it was either BFP or AF, I didn't really have to wait to know as I basically instantly missed my period. The doctors say I’m early as my HCG levels are in the 4 week range. My cycle averages 27 days, but sometimes is 28 days. For those of you that experienced implantation cramping and/or bleeding, how long after did you get a BFP? I’ve been testing since 11DPO, and only gotten BFN’s. After a suspenseful TWW, I got a BFP this morning. Tested this morning and it’s definitely a BFN, not even a hint of a line. Joined Feb 8, 2011 Messages 4,641 I didn't get a faint BFP until the day after AF was due, so don't give up hope yet. Been ttc for around 7 months after an 18 week loss in Feb. Has anyone ever had cramping I tested two times and got a BFP. Others feel the symptoms immediately after implantation. June 2016 Knottie43696413 said: My first child I had heavy bleeding 2 days after my bfp. I got my BFP unfortunately it ended in MMC but I remember saying to my OH before I tested that AF was on the way. Anyways, anyone tested at 13 DPO to get a BFN only to end up really being preggers? Has anyone ever got a bfp after what they thought was af? furbabymom2007 member. Good luck Got my BFP after testing yesterday after throwing up in the morning (I’ve not been sick since I was pg with my first 17 years ago so I just knew!) thing is, I’ve been bleeding light/medium for the last 2 days. i got very dark BFP on cd 41. It wasn't until I was 5 days late (roughly 19-21 dpo) that I finally got my bfp. I then tested three days later as still no AF and got a bfp on a FRER. I finished my pack in jan this year and had my normal withdrawal bleed straight after. 09IsMyYear. It must be confusing to not get BFP and not get AF either but, trust me, it's even more confusing to get both !!! xxxxx will update tomorrow after GP visit xxxxxx I'm 4 days late and got a bfn on the 17th when she was due! Scared to test again! Anyone not get a BFP until they were few days late? Bfp after heavy period 5 replies JadeandGreen · 29/05/2021 16:24 Hi, if anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. Open comment sort [quote ChinChilly]@ellecf Yep with my last BFP i was convinced AF was coming, cramps were exactly the same, I waited 2 days after AF to test because I had a previous chemical. Joined Jan 3, 2013 Messages 1,499 Reaction score 0. I've never tested till AF was late otherwise. My cycle is always 28 days. s. It's weird. PMS is actually an early pregnancy symptom itself. Cm today . I have no signs of AF as of yet - by this time last cycle, I had at least been spotting some to signal she was on her way. It just made me realise that waiting until AF is due is probably the best thing, and prevents getting upset by a BFN. However a few weeks after bfp symptoms kicked in heavily. As advised by the docs we waited until I had a natural period before trying and fortunately we didn't have to wait long, Af arrived on the 23rd feb and lasted about 6/7 days when we looked online to see when would be best to try and conceive. Still no AF. Seemed like a normal period, lasting 5 days of medium / light flow. I haven't taken a test today but yesterday Has anyone ever gotten a BFP after CD36. So when should I test? Earliest I've gotten a positive before was 10dpo. So I don't know whether the pains were a good or a bad sign really, but at least I did get a BFP. Joined Dec 2, 2012 Messages 2,460 Reaction score 15. With my son it was 1 cycle after a mc and I had no idea till I was 6 weeks. Just want a BFP or for AF to show. Tuesday 12/11/2012 CD4 AF is gone. Usually my temp drops a few days before or a day before, so when I woke up this morning and saw that it didn't, I was really hopeful, only to be smacked in the face with a BFN at 13 DPO. I got a faint but noticeable positive on a home pregnancy test 6 days after my expected period. 14-21dpo is typically when you doctors recommend you test anyway! A ton of women take a week or two weeks to show up on a test after AF is due! So there is always Anyone get BFP after BFN at 14dpo? Thread starter sohopeful; Start date Feb 17, 2011; Forums New Oh and I completely left out, I took a test on the day after AF was due and it was BFN, going to try again in the morning, praying for a BFP! skeet9924 Pregnant- 3rd trimester. Got BFN saturday and sunday. I had major AF pains during the second week of my IVF 2ww and I got a BFP, but unfortunately miscarried soon after. Yep. I've been preganat twice before (Unfortunately we lost both of them) The first time I wasn't trying so didn't even think to take the test before AF was due so don't know if I would of got one before then but last time I tested the day AF was due and got a BFN I didn't get my BFP till 3 days later and then it was only very Also, my friend didn't get a BFP until the day after AF was due. . AF is due tomorrow. Did anyone get a BFP after such a thing? My breasts are really sore and full, which is unusual for me, so I can't help but be hopeful. yes me! I had a BFN all the way from 11 DPO to 15DPO, then i gave up and thought AF is definitely coming. Ofc, I know it’s only 1 temp, but I totally thought I might be out after AF-like cramps yesterday afternoon, then this happened! My last two cycles cut short on CD25, so I’m shocked. I’m curious if anyone got their BFP after AF was due? I see all these i'm now 3 days late and have none of my usual AF symptoms - the main one being spots and my skin is totally spot free!! No cramps, no bloatedness just symptoms I had when I was pregnant with my first - queasy (very), lower back ache and I'm so tired I can hardly function. I'm going to wait to see if AF comes, if not I'm going to buy first response tests. Talk me out of a funk Hi! I AM one of those women who got a BFP about 10 days after getting a period and had bleeding after the BFP. 14 DPO- AF due today. Even my SO is having symptoms. Anyone get a bfp after 12dpo? I really need some success BFP after AF-like cramps? m. Best Hey everyone! I am about 13dpo today. m. Crazywaiter Mom of 2. With this pregnancy the exact same happened and I was between 5 and 8 days late before I got a positive. It went back to spotting in the afternoon then stopped altogether. I was 21 dpo the first time and 17 dpo the second time, I hadn't tested previously in those cycles but at 17 dpo the line was really faint. Ff put me on cd16 for when I ovulated, but I think I ovulated on cd17 coz after that day, my temps rose. I tested at 9dpo/12dpo/15dpo All BFN, as white as white could be. I've had three healthy babies - I didn't get a bfp with any of them until 3-7 days after AF was due. 13 DPO- BFN this am. I usually get cramping 1 hours or so before AF actually shows. What's with my daughter i dint get 1 untill about 3 days after af was due . So there's definately still a chance you'll get your BFP. i think deep down, i know that i'm probably not pregnant, but wanted to see if anyone experienced bad AF like cramps, but was still pregnant. Stupid troll body. Took a test as a fluke today and its a bFP!!!!! I'm shocked! I thought id bw ovulating again next week and It's black, brown and dark red. I had a d&c on Nov. Jun 26, 2012 #18 Ladies I'm so sorry for your losses. But i still have to wear tampons. But I’ve taken tests after and still getting faint lines. It may be that you do not have enough of the hormone in your body to give a positive test. C. I have read about others getting BFN on day AF due and then getting BFP 5-7days later so i am holding on to hope! I've read a lot of posts of people who were strong enough to wait until after af was due before testing, and other posts of people who get a BFN and then a BFP but still relatively early (like 9dpo-bfn, but 10dpo-bfp) but can anyone tell me if they've gotten a BFP late, like 14dpo, or beyond? I'm 13dpo, i'm 10dp5dt. ) Now that I'm ttc #2 I am totally addicted to poas and I don't let myself get too down until AF shows up knowing that it took that long with DD. Mostly when I wipe but very ‘period’ like - dark red. Hate being in limbo. Hi all. This has never happened to me or anyone I know. OMGGGGG! My husband and 4 year old are sleeping in bed next to me and I am just freaking out. Jan 21, 2013 #131 Thanks, Pst. Even after my D&C's AF came exactly 28 days later. I am very interested in knowing how long after the supposed AF she got How late (on what dpo) did you get your beautiful :bfp: I understand some women do not experience their BFP until after they had missed their period, or Home. 10 days after AF was due, I got a BFP! I should add that the bloodwork was done 7 days after AF was due. Welsh_mum2be Well-Known Member. I don't usually get pre AF cramps - just usually on day one and then they've gone. I had talked myself out of it. I had one HPT left from a couple months AF is due tomorrow and this morning was a BFN. Has anyone got their BFP after their period? Morning! Just looking for experiences of implantation bleeding and cramps and whether you got a bfp, how long after the bleeding? I am about 11dpo and last night had a pink tinged cm, nothing since. Forums. AF is due Thursday (in two Could it have been implantation bleeding and not AF? If your getting a BFP after your bleed then I would think its likely that you are still pregnant. I had (what I thought was) AF starting a day or two early on 4/3-4/5 heavy on day one (half a menstrual cup full) So after about half our of taking pics lol I decided to go ahead and use my 1 digi test, I didnt think that I would be able to pee again since I emptied my bladder but i did lol. If you don't know when you ovulated, you could have ovulated, started your period right after, and just now get the I have a regular 28 day cycle and AF is due tomorrow. implantation any later than 13dpo and it will no survive on its own. Then today, 1 day post AF my temp was still high. Looked at test next day and there looked to be a barely visible evap but was oobviously way after time. Even a few days later it was a VERY faint BFP on an internet cheapie test I got a BFN the day after my period was due, and a BFP a week after it was due. We TTC this past cycle, however I was getting BFN from day 6DPO-11DPO (3/28-4/2). AF was due for me on Tuesday, no sign still and BFN this morning. I'm 12dpo and started having AF-like cramps this afternoon. The one successful pregnancy was immediately after the chemical, and I was so anxious and terrified of seeing another chemical that I waited until my period was supposed to start (for the first time in our whole year of ttc). I had spotting at implantation both times, but had that other months when I wasn't too. so when do i date my pregnancy from. Mytime20. I had been ttc since 5+ years,but couldn't get success. 14 DPO here, period was due today, no signs of her, but my pregnancy test was VERY negative. AF due on Saturday. Hope all turns out ok for Monday 12/10/2012 CD3 AF is still here though she is lightening up a bit. Here is a breakdown of my cycle: AF started on 12/21 (ten days after my original due date). Still no AF and not BFP. Drs. I tested only maybe an hour after my first morning pee . beta isn't until monday. Since then, I've had a pretty normal month (with much less pms symptoms than usual), but my period was due yesterday/today & still no show. You cannot get a BFP after you’ve had your period. 4 days later she still hadn't arrived so i tested again at 19DPO and got my BFP! Funny thing is when i checked the FRER i had taken on 15DPO there was a line - 4 days later!! that definitely was not there at the time i tested. Posted 01-13-09. I keep getting BFN's but Only they show positive when pregnant too around the time your AF is due, they don’t go negative after that they stay positive but just incase you just took 3 then never took anymore. Posted 08-04-12. I think it all has somthing to I am wondering if anyone has experienced a several day dip followed by a Bfp? I am just looking for some hope to ride out until AF shows up. AF gone by end of day. BFP after AF-like cramps? m. I'm having With my first I too got bfn's from 10dpo and only got a bfp the day after AF was due. Come on ladies, keep the balance. Here's your primer on what some of the most common ones mean. My cycle lasts between 28-30 days so I’m not sure exactly how late I was, but I tested and tested and ended I know, i know, this is for BFP announcements. Hi, I tested up till 15dpo, bfn. By the end of the day it looks like its back to just spotting again. Not been myself past few days. CM also seems not so wet. All the symptoms in the world when I wasn't pregnant and hardly anything the two times I was. This time I tested two days before af was due, then again the day I was due-- both bfn. Still no af But I think ff could have my ovulation date wrong. So it's possible but I also had 4 days of spotting and then full AF a few months ago. I did have the slightest bit of CM today, and typically I am dry after AF. Has anybody gotten BFN's before your period and even up to the day you missed your period but then gotten a BFP a few days after?. Moody, realy bloated. I'm expecting AF any day now but I've been cramping for more than a week and have been nausea for a few days. BFP after AF. Leave it a couple of days and retest. moore1984. Archived post. To get descriptive **tmi** it started out as very mild barely even there brown discharge Got a faint + at 10dpo, stronger but still faint at 11dpo and BFP on an FRER at 12dpo. They called today and said my hcg level was 38 on Friday so they want me to come back in a week and make sure it goes back down all the way. I cry and my sweet husband gets everyone out and we cuddle Has anyone had a BFN after af due but then gone on to have a BFP? 42 replies janiPop · 27/11/2016 13:58 Hi ladies, I'm on cycle 2 ttc number 2. 4 days later 1 day after af should have arrived I tested again and a nice obvious line and a bfp on digi did anyone else have bfn even after AF due then go onto get a bfp a bit later ??? holding out hope. Open comment sort options. If it is up in the am, I will take another test. af due today or tomorrow, and got a BFN today with FRER. Well, back in 2002 I was a week late, took a hpt and got a BFN (even though I am never late, so I knew somethingwas up). My period is never late, always spot on 25 day cycle, and it didnt come yesterday and still hasnt showed today and my CM isnt dry like it should be before AF, its wet? Any I have a feeling I'm pregnant, maybe ovulated late, just not registering yet. I feel in limbo, and am looking for some glimmers of hope. Since then, I've tested 4 times, all BFNs. This time, tons of hot flashes and other symptoms but never had implantation bleeding. What is the longest anyone has had to wait to get a BFP? Is there a time when you assume you aren't PG and go to the doc because no BFP OR AF?? AF came or what I thought a couple of days late (hard to know for sure as I don’t track ovulation other than on an app) AF arrived but only lasted 2 days which is very short for me. Not fun. Was testing bfn every day right up until af arrived. Did a further CB test about 3 days after my FRER and got another bfp. Now I'm just waiting for my little man to show up lol. I felt nauseated from 7/8dpo. Josephine, you already had "AF"? But think you might be preggo? My temp is still up. I've seen some studies on bleeding in very early pregnancy and all the studies I've read We tried again next cycle and i got some VERY light BFPs 8/12. I’m excited for you! On to a new cycle where you can try again!! still 6 days until my period is meant to show up so I’m hanging around. It's usually lighter bleeding than normal af and pink or brown rather I’ve been testing like crazy this week since I had what I think was implantation blood last Monday & Tuesday. Any updates? I need some hope. Got my BFP on 15dpo, and was very faint. I am on D34 and had what I thought was implantation bleeding on CD25. veronica s A tiny bit preggers =) Joined Jun 19, 2012 Messages 514 Reaction score 0. My cycle and AF is usually 28 days, 3-4 days long. Joined Feb 10, 2009 Tested 2 days before af on frer. On August 22nd I got what I thought was af - she was 7 days early but latest 4 days with pretty heavy bleeding & I had some cramping. But i am very curious to see if any of you actually felt like your AF was on its way, but got your BFP instead! Because i've been convinced my AF is coming, since my breasts are now tender to My AF was pretty normal for me, 1 light day, 2 heavy days, then another light day. Hoping I'm one of those girls who don't get their BFP for a few days after AF is due. Sign Out. This was our 6th cycle trying after our miscarriage (cycle 6 must be mine and DH's lucky number). Share Sort by: Best. It’s pretty much just spotting now. Finding a Any success stories of BFP after AF due? 1 reply Hjudge56 · 28/04/2022 14:58 Currently 3/4 days late and hoping for a BFP soon but BFN’s so far! I’m 14-17DPO so not too hopeful but wondered if anyone has had success stories they could share! OP posts: See all Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Advertisement With this pregnancy, I didn't get my bfp until af was about 4 or 5 days late - so it must have been about 17 or 18 dpo. Anyone get a bfp after 7dp5dt? FET Ok, so I didn’t want to test but this morning I had very scant light pink discharge. It's normal for quite awhile yet to get cramps. In This Article. I'm checking my CM (yeah, we throw great parties), and bloody CM covers my fingers. just wondering if there is any hope out there!? lol! The week after I had PMS symptoms which again in unusual. It took me 6 months for my period to come to some sort of normal after coming off the pill for the second time. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. I hope for a BFP ah I had BFN this morning I've had symptoms so such a head twist! anyone have a positve test after stark white 9 and 10dpo? AF due Sunday. Have read about some girls getting their BFP after this happening to them so good luck. the risk of miscarriage increases drastically if implantation happens after 9dpo. I had a miscarriage at 5 I've never gotten a BFP. It was a surreal experience. I'm hoping the latter is the case again for me this month as I'm approx 14dpo and only bfn's so far😩 Good luck to you ladies. BFP after 1st IUI . But I had a feeling that I had ovulated late that month. So you need to take that into account when figuring out if you DTD around the right timing. my last pregnancy y got bfp at 12dpo and it was clear dark line. You could've ovulated later than you thought. thankfully this cycle was different from other I have no idea when AF is due. • Wed, Jul 29. New posts Search forums. Today I’m 13dpo and tested Had mild AF pains on and off all week, and lots of other signs, I am still not feeling 100% sure that AF is defiantely going to arrive - hard to explain, but maybe Im being over optimistic! I was just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation - had discharge on day AF is due then managed to get a BFP - if so how many days later? But after bfn today and now thinking AF will be showing on Tues:( But just thought would ask if anyone got a bfn so late but went on to get a BFP? Thanks x. So, right now I’m pregnant, we’re just not sure how pregnant. But I noticed that my BBTs were staying high throughout my AF. Getting Pregnant . I dont know if it's implantation bleeding or just early AF. I immediately freaked thinking AF is coming so I took a test and lo and behold, my test was negative. I had a coworker tell me that with one of her kids, her temps dropped before she got a BFP. I know some people don't get a BFP until ages after AF is due so you're deffo not out until it arrives! X yes with my DD, I was negative at 13DPO, it might of even been the day my AF was due and I didn’t get a BFP until 2 days after AF was due! AF is due the 7th on one app and today (1st) on another. Share Add a Comment. Very stuffy nose. Some women do get PMS and get AF and some get PMS and a BFP. It lasted 5 days just like normal, with medium to light bleeding. AF is 4 days late and that never happens. I took a test 5 It took 6 days after af was supposed to arrive this cycle, I got 2 bfns with frers, 3 bfns with cheapies, and my 1 bfp yesterday :) p. Until the third pregnancy, I always started tested at 8dpo, as AF would always come on 12dpo. At my first scan the pregnancy was dated a week behind where it would have been based on last menstrual period, which pretty much confirmed my suspicion. March 2014. there is NO sign on AF coming and I am 8 days late. With my last baby I was taking them and they showed positive the week my period was due, I’d tested positive on a FRER at 7dpo so knew already I was pregnant I was just using (SO, BFP 1 week after AF was due. A few days before the spotting, a few days into the spotting, and several days after the bfp, too. I didn't do anything different this cycle. I have stopped bleeding today after 5 days. Started feeling discouraged because I’ve seen plenty of posts in this group from women who got BFP at 9 and 10 DPO. Here's my stats: Ovulated on or around October 10th. That was a week ago. It apparently just means you implanted closer to when your luteal phase would have ended. I'm 2 days late for AF, currently 16dpo on a regular 28 days cycle. day of first withdrawal bleed? anyone had That is sad, AF after BFP, hugs, hugs, hugs Hang in there . here is hoping! Here is another reason - i too am usually dry after af I am 2 days late. I got my BFP the next day. Me, too. (I lost the pregnancy due to blood problems/clotting so nothing to do with that) Stay positive You're not out until AF shows her ugly face! BFP after period 10 replies HopefulTTCer · 17/10/2020 15:28 Hello wise mumsnet TTCers! I ovulated Sep 17th and we had DTD on the 15th+18th. I'm so confused right now. The only difference was I didn’t get the same amount of cramping like I If you had miscarried, your bfp would most likely be faint by now. This cycle, my husband and I decided to work with a RE. I am still experiencing these symptoms but as I am now only 3 weeks (to the day) past my MC I dont think there is any point in testing. No other symptoms today. I quit charting halfway through my BFP cycle because I thought I had confirmed O at my normal CD 16-19 and DH and I were moving into our new house so we were extremely busy/done TTC for awhile. AF is slightly irregular, so I waited over a week after day 28 to finally test and was glad to see those two lines! I've never tested early @Gigi318, I figure that it's unhelpful as the odds of getting a bfn are high and it won't allow you to have any more certainty as to whether you've been lucky that month!Plus it's so expensive to buy loads of tests. A BellyBelly fan who got a BFP said: “I was lucky enough to [have got my BFP] on our 4th attempt (4th month) and, believe it or not, it was the only month I didn’t get ANY symptoms” Has anyone ever gotten a bfp after what they thought might be a light period? I have had spotting that showed 3 days later than AF usually does (on CD 31 instead of 28) and it's not my typical bleeding. Had a normal period. I had 4 days of pink/brown spotting starting 4 days before the earliest my AF has shown up, and then a morning of what was complete AF in my mind. appt. No symptoms of either AF or pregnant so no idea whats happening. Not sure if that will help, but I thought for sure after the negative on the day of my missed period meant it wasn't gonna happen. Back to Top. BFP!!!!! (actually four BFP!!!!!) Congratulations!! How lovely that you've got your BFP after 17 month! I have heard of this happening to lots of women before. I don’t track ovulation I had my BFN at 14dpo, and then my BFP using FRER at 17dpo, and again on the digital at 18dpo (the day AF was due). Cd30 - 6 days late now. I've kept a log of all my previous cycles and my cycle is 28 days long. Aug 29, 2013 #8 normally, a fertilized egg should implant itself at 7-8dpo. My husband and I are trying to conceive baby #2. But I CANNOT find it to save my life. I think early bfp's are made to sound like the usual but doctors always say if you don't get a bfp on the day of your AF then you should test in a week which is 21DPO so it can't be that unusual to get a late bfp. But I have also heard of many not getting a BFP until after AF was due, often up to a week late. Amanda xx This was my first cycle off the pill, i had my withdrawal bleed day 4 off pill and i got my bfp yesterday at cd 26 ( routhly 30 day cycle) which means i havent had my first proper af lol. Posted 10-22-13. So I am hoping she sees this and responds. Was slow to start, 2 heavy days, light day yesterday, then nearly gone How soon have people got their BFP after miscarriage, before AF? MrsNKM. melaniegamage. AF. I tested 2 days ago and got a BFN. Posted 10-29-09. I'm just so relieved that I finally got an answer after an unusually long cycle, even if it was AF. SHT1231. Had a yeast infection (the only other time I've had one was after rounds of major antibiotics) and my poor nipples felt like they were going to fall off. Posted 03-09-21. However, as you can see from my “journal”, 4 weeks doesn’t make sense. then had spotting and af like bleeding for 3 days. AF is due today or tomorrow. AF is due Thursday (in two days). Call your dr and ask them to run hcg quant tests, which are two blood draws about two days apart, levels should double. I searched the forum to try to find the post made by the lady I remember seeing having said that she thought she had her AF, had it for like 3 days I think, then ended up with a BFP. I was getting faint BFPs before so assumed I was maybe having a chemical. I’m hanging on to hope for both of us until AF arrives. Posted 09-03-19. AF cramps still here. So Heavy that I was sure I was having a mmc, and I had one before so that made me even more sure. "Pregnant" popped out after a few mins! I couldn't believe my eyes!! So the "Answer" confused me a little with it's faint line but the digi confirmed it. Just checking to see if anyone received a late BFP after their missed period? According to the posts I am reading it seems like most ladies are getting their BFP's before their missed period, but would like to hear from With my first baby I got a bfn 2 days AFTER af was due and got a very very faint bfp on ic 5 days after so dipped a clear blue digital in same urine and got my clear pregnant 1-2 weeks. 3 days after finishing AF and I got a BFP I thought I was out this month after AF showed up giving me with an 8 day luteal phase. It's usually lighter bleeding than normal af and pink or brown rather than red. I did get a BFP out of PMS symptoms a few times even though I lost the pregnancy, I did have them. you could also have an ectopic pregnancy, or it's possible (but unusual) that you had a really lat implanter How lovely that you've got your BFP after 17 month! I have heard of this happening to lots of women before. Report 0 Reply. S Finally got bfp after 21 dpo I was a week late getting af and a week of getting bfn's. Had sex on CD13-CD17 Ovulated on CD15 Started Has anyone ever not tested positive until after their AF was due? Sign Up. I had an implantation bleed 11 days before my BFP, I did a test 7 days after the bleed and got a BFN and convinced myself it was over. Woke up, went to work the next morning, all day long AF never came but I was still cramping. Although it's sooo hard waiting, I do think it is generally safer to wait until day of (missed) AF as it eliminates the confusion! If you really do want to test early, I would recommend the red line tests - from what I have heard, most people seem to get a BFP on them by 12/13DPO but tbh you are not out until AF comes. qmlq eep gyrle xsaib bpvx tnfhrisj wqjwba biwxxps qhsigh yhntih